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Passion vs. Stress. It’s a Vision Quest.

We all know someone who works long hours, is committed to their work, and finds great joy in what they do. The people we label passionate. We also know people that work late, are fully committed to what they do, but find no joy in what they do. These people we label stressed. It is a razor thin line between passion and stress. It usually comes down to the actual work or vision the individual is pursuing.
The passionate devotee feels fulfilled and works tirelessly to, in Simon Sinek’s words; “advance the vision they have adopted or created”. The stressed individual is toiling away in a purposely cycle that isn’t grounded in something they truly believe in. They have lost their inspiration.
Sinek reminds us that both passion and stress are outputs. To be passionate you must use the input, the vision or your ‘why’ to fuel you. This vision of the world you want to live consumes you. It breathes life into you and guides you on a path. That doesn’t mean that everyone must be a natural visionary. All you must do is find that spark to ignite the flame of your passion. Find a calling, a vision, that wakes up the passion in you to do more and do better.
Stress is the output of working on something that doesn’t feed you. It consumes you in a different way. Usually in a negative way and adversely affects your life. You feel stress because what you are doing doesn’t use the gifts you have to offer in a positive way.
Finding a passion isn’t an easy endeavor. Often, it is trial and error. Sinek recommends that you be present and invest time in finding what vision you can serve with your gifts. Listen to leaders of all kinds, read many types of books, and dive into finding that vision that moves you to action.
For many the vision of being their own boss, managing their own time, and leading a group of employees in a business that serves others might be the right fit. Often people struggle to find footing in a corporate environment because the ‘entrepreneur’ within them restless. They just haven’t found the vision that feeds their passion.
Ask yourself, “What are the costs of staying in a stressed state of mind due to fear of change and the unknown?”
Being in a continual state of stress leads to the risk of burnout.
“Recently, The World Health Organization (WHO) included burnout in its International Classification of Diseases, IDC-11, claiming that it “refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context…a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed…” The WHO noted that the syndrome was characterized by three dimensions: 1) feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; 2) increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and 3) reduced professional efficacy” (Moss, 2019).
The last year has crystalized for many, that waiting until the perfect time isn’t practical. You must make your own ‘perfect moment’. In today’s marketplace, business ownership is risky. It can be a scary proposition, but it may be the difference between living in constant stress or experiencing life’s passionate pursuits. Choosing the right path means actively seeking alternatives to the life you are living now.
Finding the right business pursuit is critical. Consider these factors when choosing a path or direction.
- Does the work speak to one of your gifts and showcases your skills?
- Does the work serve or benefit others?
- Will the work provide you a life, and not just a job?
- Can you grow and develop beyond where you are today?
- Does the work offer unlimited potential for growth both personally and monetarily?
Many business opportunities can only answer yes to a few of those questions. Owning a professional business coaching firm or practice answers yes to all of them. Business coaching is all about turning your business experience into business profits. But don’t go it alone. Join an organization with a vision that resonates in all corners of the global. ActionCOACH’s vision is “World Abundance Through Business Re-education.” This bold vision empowers more than 1,000 coaches globally to improve the lives of business owners and their communities.
ActionCOACH is the leader in the business coaching industry and offers franchise opportunities worldwide. Today ActionCOACH has coaches in more than 70 countries and works with more than 18,000 small business every week. To learn more about ActionCOACH and the opportunity to live your passion, visit actioncoach.com/franchise.
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